Introducing Sibling Lotto!

A new visualization tool helps people understand the ways that full-siblings can share DNA as well as average sharing percentages Yesterday a new tool was released that will help a lot of beginners and veteran genetic genealogists alike. These visualizations show in...

X-DNA is usually more recent than autosomal DNA

New discoveries overturn the familiar adage that X-DNA is usually from a farther back ancestor than autosomal DNA As of today, you can test the new discoveries against the old adage by comparing any amount of X-DNA to the same amount of autosomal DNA. Two months ago I...

Shared X-DNA Between Relatives

X Chromosome averages and ranges are now available for the first time ever Remember to use the most accurate relationship predictor to find out how you might be related to your DNA matches. The 23andMe percentage input box is the only place where you can get...