Shared X-DNA Between Relatives

X Chromosome averages and ranges are now available for the first time ever Remember to use the most accurate relationship predictor to find out how you might be related to your DNA matches. The 23andMe percentage input box is the only place where you can get...

What is an accurate dataset in genetic genealogy?

The most important aspect of genetic genealogy that nobody talks about It first occurred to me to write this article about a year ago. I thought that I had much more important articles to write and tools to create, but I’ve recognized that the need for an...
3/4 Siblings: You Can Tell the Difference

3/4 Siblings: You Can Tell the Difference

We can now easily differentiate between 3/4 siblings and full-siblings over 94% of the time Three-quarter siblings have been confounding genetic genealogists for years. The problem is that their shared DNA overlaps significantly with other sibling types. And, while...
A New Relationship Predictor for Genetic Genealogy

A New Relationship Predictor for Genetic Genealogy

Relationship predictions are now available showing differences in maternal and paternal relationships, in-group differences, and accurate predictions for 23andMe data Updates: You can now get much better predictions by entering the # of segments along with total cMs!...