by DNA-Sci | Sep 19, 2024 | Blog, DNA Science
Does the Timber algorithm do a good job at reducing cMs from pile-up regions? A common question in genetic genealogy has been “Should I enter the unweighted or weighted cM value from AncestryDNA when I’m using a relationship predictor?” This refers...
by DNA-Sci | Apr 30, 2024 | Blog, DNA Science
What are population weights as applied to DNA match relationship predictors? Relationship predictors are DNA match tools such as SegcM that produce a table of possible relationships and their probabilities. These tools have historically used population weights to...
by DNA-Sci | Mar 14, 2024 | Blog, DNA Science
Improved predictions are now available when siblings have tested As of today a new relationship predictor is available to genetic genealogists. Previously, you could get the most accurate DNA match predictions by using SegcM. All you had to do was enter the total cMs...
by DNA-Sci | Sep 6, 2023 | Blog, DNA Science, Probability and Statistics
An analysis of whether or not the longest segment should be included in relationship predictions In February of 2023 a new tool called SegcM redefined the way genetic genealogists get their relationship predictions. SegcM uses the number of segments along with total...
by DM_Walsh | May 4, 2023 | Blog, DNA Science
This is a guest post by DM_Walsh I specialise in hard-to-crack unknown parentage UK cases where there is enough DNA evidence, but only just. (Some of these cases take months to resolve, and so apologies if I can’t take yours on.) I thought it would be helpful to pull...
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