by DNA-Sci | Mar 3, 2021 | Blog, DNA Science
Alternate title/misleading answer: 23andMe counts FIR twice Scientists who aren’t familiar with genetic genealogy will be very confused by the above question. After all, 50% is the expected amount, or average, that two siblings share. AncestryDNA doesn’t report the...
by DNA-Sci | Mar 2, 2021 | Blog, DNA Science
You can now get relationship predictions from number of segments and total cMs. This tool often tells you the exact relationship for close family members, including paternal or maternal. People often ask a question similar to this one: If my ethnicity report is...
by DNA-Sci | Feb 24, 2021 | Blog, DNA Science
The only cousin statistics that acknowledge the differences in paternal and maternal relatives due to recombination rates. See the relationship probability calculator that’s based on this same model. I’ve written an article that shows the percentages of shared...
by DNA-Sci | Feb 12, 2021 | Blog, DNA Science
You probably got here from this page. If not, it’s probably a good idea to go look at it and see what this page is about before continuing. Many of the statistics here won’t actually be viewable at AncestryDNA. The real purpose of this page is to provide...
by DNA-Sci | Jan 5, 2021 | Blog, DNA Science
People often ask how their DNA match with a cousin will be inflated if they have a double relationship with that cousin. Some helpful people have offered that you can look up shared averages and ranges for certain relationships and double all of them, or for two...
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