The only cousin statistics that acknowledge the differences in paternal and maternal relatives due to recombination rates.
I’ve written an article that shows the percentages of shared DNA that a person shares with various relatives and ancestors. These are the only tables or charts of shared autosomal DNA (atDNA) that can be verified by standard deviations from peer-reviewed studies. Other charts or tables have much lower standard deviations, probably because of removing data erroneously thought to be outliers.
Since many in the genetic genealogy community prefer to use centiMorgans (cM) over percentages, and since cM aren’t the same from one platform to another, I’m going to display cM values for each platform on separate pages. The tables here are only for 23andMe kits. Many of the values shown here include fully-identical regions (FIR), which can’t be found at 23andMe. However, these values could be seen at GEDmatch if a 23andMe user has uploaded there and is comparing to another kit from 23andMe. And I do recommend using the total cM for the platform from which you uploaded when converting percentages to cM unless one has made a superkit at GEDmatch.

Table 1. Shared cM of atDNA between siblings for 23andMe kits. HIR = ‘half-identical regions,’ where one of the two chromosome homologues matches. FIR = ‘fully-identical regions,’ where both copies of a chromosome match. HIR + FIR = all of the points on chromosomes where two people match once plus all of the points where they match on both copies. HIR counting includes FIR bp, but only counts them as if they’re half-identical. CI stands for ‘confidence interval.’ The 99% confidence interval is the range in which 99% of values will fall.

Table 2. Shared cM between six types of 3/4 siblings for 23andMe kits. All parameters are the same as for Table 1.

Table 3. Shared cM for double first cousins with 23andMe kits. All parameters are the same as for Tables 1-2.

Table 4. Shared cM for grandparents and some of their descendants using 23andMe total cM. All parameters are the same as for Tables 1-3.
I hope you’ve found these results useful. More will be on the way.
Feel free to ask me about modeling & simulation, genetic genealogy, or genealogical research. To see my articles on Medium, click here. And try out a nifty calculator that’s based on the first of my three genetic models. It lets you find the amount of an ancestor’s DNA you have when combined with various relatives. And most importantly, check out these ranges of shared DNA percentages or shared centiMorgans, which are the only published values that match known standard deviations.
I have 3, second cousins found on 23&me. They are all connected to the same great grandparents. This family had 11 offspring from the great grandparents two of these offspring married sisters who were Polish. They immigrated to the Netherlands at the turn of the 20th century. Two of the 2 cousins are first cousins who’s parents are off spring from grand parents consisting of a Dutch son of the great grandparents and the Polish bride. The other son that married the Polish sister had two sons that we have not been able to trace to have them tested. How likely would it be that one of those sons is my father as in my DNA I have 11.5 proportion of Polish component DNA which kind of matches up with the second cousins that also have the Polish component all though in higher percentage 17 & 22 respectively.
Hi John,
This wouldn’t be proof that one of these people is your great-grandparent. However, if you had one and only one great-grandparent who was Polish and no other great-grandparent who was Polish, you could expect to have 12.5% Polish ancestry, on average.
it could be one of the two sons.. but also it could be a son of any of the other 9 offspring of the shared great grandparents if their spouse has a Polish parent…